I caught myself shadow boxing in the mirror as I was brushing my teeth Saturday night. My wife and I had rented the move “The Fighter” starring Mark Wahlberg. Author Willa Cather once said, “There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.” Possibly no story is better than that of the triumphant underdog: the long-shot that scratches and claws their way against incredible odds for a chance to succeed. When the opportunity presents itself, they seize it with the determination of a fighter who knows that the training and sacrifice they endured for years when no one was cheering had earned them the right to become what they always knew they were. One thing I enjoy about my career is that I see those people every day. Through our doors pass men and woman like you who believe they are the best landscapers, concrete contractors, home builders, computer technicians, therapists, accountants, you name it. I believe you are. Your passion transcends your work and positively affects those around you. I hope that you never lose that passion, because it fuels mine as well. When asked what he would have become if he didn’t box, Muhammad Ali claimed that he would have been the best at something. If he would have become a garbage man, he would have been the world’s best garbage man. May you live your success story every day.
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